


每个人都生活在一个特定的环境中。请以“What I Like about Where I Live”为题,并根据以下要点何要求用英语写一篇短文,描述你生活的环境。


  1. 要点:(1)你生活在什么样的环境中;(2)你喜欢这个环境的什么;(3)你对这个环境有何期望。






What I Like about Where I Live


I live in a small and quiet city in Henan Province. Different from other cities, it has no skyscrapers or endless cars on the streets. People there are seldom late for their work and enjoy a slow and peaceful life. And that is what I like most about my city. 



However, my city has her problems. She has no high-speed train. I hope she will soon have high-speed trains so that I can travel to other cities more easily!


What I Like about Where I Live


I live in a small and quiet city in Henan Province. Different from other cities, it has no skyscrapers or endless cars on the streets. People there are seldom late for their work and enjoy a slow and peaceful life. And that is what I like most about my city. 


However, my city has her problems. She has no high-speed train. I hope she will soon have high-speed trains so that I can travel to other cities more easily!

